Thursday 18 April 2013

irony in the world of misogyny

I find it very ironic that the guys who expect women to just sleep with them, that believe women are obligated to sleep with them, are the same guys who label these same women 'sluts' or 'whores' for, are you ready for this?

sleeping with them.

I mean... really? so you have some men who are bitching at women who won't sleep with them, making them feel bad, calling them prudes (believe me, I've been there. I was once called a lesbian because I didn't want to sleep with this one guy, which I really didn't understand. pretty sure lesbians have sex if and when they want, and how is being a lesbian an insult? I was very confused, but anyways), and what have you. and then, when women do sleep with them or other men, suddenly they're whores/sluts?

there's that whole saying that when men have sex with a girl, they're 'heroes', and if a woman has sex with a guy, she's 'easy', she's 'giving it away', etc., and why the hell is that the case?

it's 2013, for crying out loud. women and men can sleep with people if they want, and it shouldn't be a problem.

and then there's this

when I saw this on facebook, I unfriended all three of the guys who liked/posted it.

how about this? real gentlemen don't call women sluts, huh? real gentlemen don't divulge into a woman's sex life unless they are a part of it, and they don't belittle or judge them based on their sex life, or lack of.

so excuse me if I'm not interested in sleeping with you, especially since you're just going to plaster a label on me right after anyways

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